• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • "An Afternoon with the Madisons"

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    Name: "An Afternoon with the Madisons"
    Date: August 24, 2014
    Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    McLean Celebrate Virginia and Great Falls Celebrate Virginia will present "An Afternoon with the Madisons" at the McLean Community Center on August 24.  This event will feature John Douglas Hall of the Montpelier Foundation portraying President James Madison, and McLean resident Carole Herrick, portraying First Lady Dolley Madison as they present their recollections of the burning of Washington and the Madisons' flight to Virginia on the 200th anniversary of this occasion.

    This program is made possible by the McLean Community Center's Lifetime Learning Program, the McLean Historical Society, The Fairfax County History Commission, the Historical Society of Fairfax County, the Friends of McLean Community Center, the Virginia War of 1812 Commission and public-spirited individuals.
    McLean Community Center
    1234 Ingleside Avenue
    Date/Time Information:
    Sunday, August 24, 2014
    2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm)
    Refreshments will be served by the Woman's Club of McLean.
    Contact Information:
    For more information, call the McLean Community Center at 703-790-0123, TTY: 711.
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