McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study
Small Business
The Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping small businesses learn, collaborate, and grow. Small businesses play a dynamic role in our local economy, and the McLean Chamber is invested in the development of area small businesses.
The Chamber designed its monthly Small Business Education Series specifically for small businesses. Co-sponsored by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) and Lafayette Federal Credit Union, hese breakfasts offer networking opportunities, feature topical keynote speakers, and showcase local area small businesses.
Check our calendar of events for information on the next Small Business Education Series.
RESOURCE TIP: Missed our November breakfast on Cyber Security for Small Businesses? Download the presentation here!
Government Contracting Weekly -- A Great Resource for Small Businesses!
Government Contracting Weekly is a TV show devoted to winning government contracts, brought to you by AOC Key Solutions, Inc.. The show airs every Sunday on the DC Metro CBS affiliate WUSA9.
Click here to join KSI's mailing list and receive information on the show in your inbox!
Government Contracting Weekly is sponsored by AOC Key Solutions, Inc. (KSI), the leading provider of strategy, capture, and proposal development services that helps companies WIN federal contracts.
Visit www.aockeysolutions.com to learn more. -
Small Business Membership Alliance
Small business is the driving force of the economy and job creation in Virginia. They are also the core constituency of our grassroots efforts. Our activities affect no other group of businesses more dramatically than small businesses. In June of 2011, the Virginia Chamber of Commerce committed to a partnership with local chambers to ensure the voice of small business is heard with minimal investment and maximum impact. This FREE membership is available to businesses with 10 employees or fewer and a member of any Local Chamber of Commerce in Virginia.
This new initiative will allow you to stay abreast of important policy initiatives on the state and federal levels that affect your business. It also provides you the means to support the Chamber’s efforts to improve the competitiveness of the state at no cost to you, as well as participate in important policy events throughout the year.
As an 'Alliance' Member you will receive:- Chamber Briefings, the Government Relations monthly e-newsletter.
- Virginia Chamber Action Alerts.
- Access to the Prosperity Project, a web-based program that creates opportunities to engage your employees in legislative and electoral processes.
- Invitations to regional policy events and surveys.
- Access to statewide coalitions & initiatives.
- Participation in Chamber Day at the Capitol.
- Access to our full-time, professional lobbying staff and resources.
- Aggressive, proactive representation in the General Assembly.
- Chamber 'Clout' to oppose initiatives harmful to your business.
- Chamber 'Clout' to support initiatives helpful to your business.
- Insider information through Chamber updates.
- Increased visibility in the marketplace.
- Increased visibility in the State Legislature.
- Discounted rates for members at statewide Signature Events.
- Member discounts on publications.
- Access to the online Marketplace/Directory.
To qualify as a small business under these guidelines, the business is at least 51% independently owned and controlled by one of more individuals and has 10 or fewer employees. One or more of the individual owners shall control both the management and daily business operations of the small business.
For more information on the Alliance, please contact Maryann Crowder at 804-237-1458 or m.crowder@vachamber.com.
Education. Advocacy. Collaboration.