• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Best Trees for Homeowners and Small Businesses

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    Name: Best Trees for Homeowners and Small Businesses
    Date: March 13, 2014
    Time: 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Please join us for this informative talk as we educate homeowners and small businesses on tree benefits, selection, and maintenance.
    Dr. Jim McGlone, Urban Forest Conservationist with the Department of Forestry in Northern Virginia, will discuss the economic, health, environmental, and aesthetic benefits of trees.  His talk will offer an intimate look on the most durable and underutilized native trees for homeowners and small businesses and he will highlight trees that should not be planted in our region and explain why.  Additionally, his talk will provide detail tips on how to plant a tree and identify common mistakes we all make in planting trees.
    Program participants will be invited to meet with county and non-profit representatives who can provide additional guidance and information on tree selection and maintenance.  Additionally, participants will be encouraged to sign up for raffle give-a-ways.   
    About Dr. Jim McGlone
    Jim McGlone has a PhD in Human Ecology (aka Economics) from Virginia Tech and a Master’s Certificate in Environmental Law and Policy from the USDA Graduate School.  He has taught economics at Virginia Tech, Ohio State, and Northern Illinois University, and has done research at the Economic Research Service of the USDA.  A self-taught naturalist and ecologist, he has managed the natural resources of a 500 acre park in Fairfax County and is currently an Urban Forest Conservationist with the Virginia Department of Forestry in Northern Virginia.  He is also vice-chair of the Fairfax County Tree Commission, and advisor to the Fairfax County Tree Stewards and Fairfax County Master Naturalists.  

    This event is sponsored by the McLean Citizens Association (MCA), the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce (GMCC), McLean Trees Foundation (MTF), and Fairfax County Tree Stewards.
    The McLean Community Center
    Community Hall
    1234 Ingleside Avenue
    McLean, Virginia  22101.
    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, March 13, 2014
    7:30 pm
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