• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Career Networking Night

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    Name: Career Networking Night
    Date: November 20, 2013
    Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST
    Event Description:


    $10  in advance 



    6:30 p.m.--Registration & Networking 


    7:00--Delicious Dinner 


    7:30 p.m.--Inspirational Speaker: Greg Holmes


    "Finding Hope & Strength in Times of Transition"


    8:00 p.m.--Job Fair & Resume' Reviews 

    Companies Participating To Date: 
    Lockheed Martin, Edward Jones, Northrup Grumman, INOVA Health Systems, Oracle, WMATA (metro), Sodexo, Cardinal Bank, Crowne Plaza Hotels  
    Dinner Menu
    Grilled Chicken
    Fresh Green Beans
    Confetti Rice
    Garden Salad
    Rolls & Butter
    Fresh Baked Cookies


    Register by Nov. 19th


    online at;



    For more information, contact Phil Kratovil at 703-937-1897 orphil.kratovil@viennapres.org

    Get Inspired, Get Fed, Get Employed

    at "Career Networking Night"!


    Wednesday, November 20th

    7:00-9:00 p.m.


    Vienna Presbyterian Church, Great Hall  

    Please join us for a delicious home-cooked meal, aninspirational speaker, resume' reviews and a job fair with top companies in northern Virginia. 

    Plus, you won't want to miss Greg Holmes's powerful presentation entitled, "Finding Hope & Strength in Times of Transition."  
    About our speaker, Greg Holmes


    Greg Holmes, of Samson Realty, has been one of the top realtors in the U.S. since 1986. In 2006 Greg ranked in the "Top 50 Realtors" in the U.S. according to both the Wall Street Journal and Lore Magazine. In 2009, Greg made the Wall Street Journal's Top Agents in the U.S. In 2010, Greg was named Keller William's #5 Agent in the U.S. out of 79,000 agents.

    Greg now specializes in short sales, having completed over 300 in the last four years. Greg is experiencing more success than ever, while at the same time helping families out of the biggest financial crisis of their economic lives.   


    Some time ago, Greg hit bottom in his personal, professional and family life as a result of years of on-and-off addiction to alcohol, drugs and gambling. Since then, Greg has had a turn-around in his life as a result of a friend helping him head in the right direction.   


    At the dinner, Greg will share some of his challenges and how God has enabled him to find hope and strength in times of transition.  


    Vienna Presbyterian Church, Great Hall - 124 Park St., NE, Vienna, VA 22180
    Date/Time Information:
    November 20th - 6:30pm to 9:00 pm
    Contact Information:
    Phil Kratovil at 703-937-1897
    $10 in advance
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