• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Catch Me If You Can -- McLean Theatre Company Brings the Musical's Metro DC Premier this April

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    Name: Catch Me If You Can -- McLean Theatre Company Brings the Musical's Metro DC Premier this April
    Date: April 24, 2014 - April 27, 2014
    Event Description:

    Catch Me If You Can

    Book by Terrance McNally (The Full Monty and Ragtime)
    Score by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman (Hairspray)

    Based on the DreamWorks film by permission of Music Theatre International.

    The award-winning McLean High School Theatre Company (MTC) premieres the musical Catch Me If You Can to the Metro DC area this April.  Based on the hit DreamWorks film and the incredible true story that inspired it, Catch Me If You Can is the high-flying, splashy musical that tells the story of Frank Abagnale, Jr., a teenager who becomes a world-class con artist.  With nothing more than his boyish charm, a big imagination and millions of dollars in forged checks, he passes himself off as a doctor, a lawyer, and a jet pilot – all before the age of 21.  With straight-arrow FBI agent Carl Hanratty on Frank’s trail, audiences are off on a jet-setting chase, as the jazzy, swinging-sixties score keeps things in constant motion.  Agent Hanratty chases Frank to the end … and finds something he never expected.

    Presented with special permission by Music Theatre International, 421 W. 54th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY  10019.  Phone 212) 541-4684, Fax 212) 397-4684, www.mtishows.com
    McLean High School Burk's Auditorium
    163 Davidson Road, McLean, VA 22101
    Date/Time Information:
    Evening Performances 4/24, 4/25, and 4/26 at 7PM
    Matinee Performances 4/26 and 4/27 at 2PM
    Contact Information:
    Amy Poe
    $10 students/seniors
    $15 adults
    Advance tickets available through www.mcleandrama.com
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