• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Chamber Day at the Capitol

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    Name: Chamber Day at the Capitol
    Date: January 29, 2014
    Event Description:

    Chamber Day at the Capitol -- Experience Virginia Democracy in Action!

    All Chamber members are invited to participate in "Chamber Day at the Capitol" and "Old Dominion Assembly" in Richmond on Wednesday, January 29. This once-a-year opportunity offers Chamber members a chance to network with Virginia's lawmakers and top business leaders. These are two separate events hosted by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.  


    Chamber Day at the Capitol
    9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
    Omni Richmond Hotel (100 S. 12th St.)
    Lunch is included  


    Chamber members and Chamber executives from across the Commonwealth will convene at the Capitol for briefings from top elected officials, including: 

    • Governor-Elect Terry McAuliffe (invited)
    • Lt. Governor-Elect Ralph Northam (invited)
    • Speaker Bill Howell
    • Attorney General-Elect Mark Herring
    • Senator Tommy Norment
    • Senator Dick Saslaw

    Old Dominion Assembly
    6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
    Omni Richmond Hotel (100 S. 12th St.)
    Includes heavy hors d'oeurves


    Join more than 800 guests at the premiere event on the legislative social calendar.


    Register Here for one or both events. Cost: Chamber Day tickets: $75. Old Dominion Assembly tickets: $110.
    Chamber Day at the Capitol
    9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
    Omni Richmond Hotel (100 S. 12th St.)
    Lunch is included

    Old Dominion Assembly
    6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
    Omni Richmond Hotel (100 S. 12th St.)
    Includes heavy hors d'oeurves

    Date/Time Information:
    Wednesday, January 29, 2014
    Cost: Chamber Day tickets: $75. Old Dominion Assembly tickets: $110.
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