McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study
Dave Ramsey - Legacy Journey Class
Name: Dave Ramsey - Legacy Journey ClassDate: October 2, 2013Time: 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM EDTEvent Description:The Legacy Journey is an all-new, seven-week class that teaches you how to truly live and leave a legacy for generations to come. Video curriculum taught by nationally know financial expert Dave Ramsey. 7 Wednesdays starting 9/25 7:00-8:45 pm. Legacy Journey Preview Lunch Join us for a free lunch and a preview of the upcoming Legacy Journey class! Sunday, Sept. 15, 12:00-1:15 p.m. Vienna Presbyterian Church Room 322 124 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180 See a preview from Dave Ramsey about the seven week course and have a chance to ask questions. Complimentary lunch of sandwiches provided! R.s.v.p. by: Saturday, Sept. 14 to phil.kratovil@viennapres.org to reserve your spot.Location:Vienna Presbyterian Church 124 Park St. NE, VIenna, VA 22180Date/Time Information:Classes start Sept. 25th 7:00-8:45 pm.Contact Information:Register by Sunday, Sept. 20th at: www.bridgepointconnections.org/financialpeace or www.viennapres.org/financialpeace For more info contact Phil Kratovil at 703-937-1897 or phil.kratovil@viennapres.org. Also visit Dave Ramsey's website for additional information at: www.daveramsey.com/legacyFees/Admission:Cost: $117 per family Includes registration/membership and all materials needed.Set a Reminder:
Education. Advocacy. Collaboration.