• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Disaster & Emergency Response Capabilities in Fairfax County

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    Name: Disaster & Emergency Response Capabilities in Fairfax County
    Date: September 26, 2013
    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    The McLean Citizens Association (MCA) and Dranesville District Supervisor John W. Foust are sponsoring a program to address disaster and emergency response capabilities in Fairfax County.

    The Derecho of late June 2012, resulted in twenty-two deaths through portions of the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, left millions without electrical power and severely disrupted 9-1-1-related communications.  Unlike hurricanes and superstorms, derechos are more like earthquakes, tornados, and man-made events for which there is little-to-no advance notice and opportunity to prepare.
    To enable first responders and County staff to concentrate on serious incidents and life-saving priorities, residents need to know about disaster and emergency response capabilities so they will be able to take responsibility to prepare themselves and their families.
    The September 26 program will include a panel discussion, “The 2012 Derecho Storm: Lessons Learned and Improvements Made”, focusing on what was learned from the massive June 2012 Derecho storm, what has been done to improve emergency response since the storm, and how residents can be better prepared.
    The panelists for the discussion will be:
    • David Rohrer, Deputy County Executive for Public Safety
    • Merni Fitzgerald, Director of Public Affairs for Fairfax County
    • Steve Souder, Director of Public Safety Communications for Fairfax County
    • Steve Willey, Lead Instructor for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
    • Tim Sargent, Government Affairs Director, Dominion Virginia Power
    MCA President, Sally Horn, and Supervisor Foust will address the group.
    For more information, please contact Jane Edmondson 703-356-0551 or email Jane.Edmondson@FairfaxCounty.gov.
    McLean Community Center
    1234 Ingleside Ave.
    McLean, VA
    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 p.m.
    Contact Information:
    Jane Edmondson 703-356-0551
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