• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • GMCC Meals Tax Forum

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    Name: GMCC Meals Tax Forum
    Date: October 24, 2016
    Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    A public service of the GMCC, the only chamber of commerce in Fairfax County to host such a forum.

    Join the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce for its Meals Tax Forum!  Hear from Supervisor John Foust and Supervisor Pat Herrity about the meals tax referendum, its impact on the County budgetary outlook and the business climate.  Moderating the forum will be McLean resident and WUSA9 news anchor Peggy Fox. 

    Each of our distinguished speakers will have an opportunity to introduce their views for a few minutes, after which they will each have an opportunity to answer questions, and make rebuttals. 

    Questions may be submitted ahead of time to GMCC President Paul Kohlenberger at pkohlenberger@mcleanchamber.org.  Attendees will also have an opportunity to submit written questions as they enter the forum. 
    McLean Community Center
    Community Hall
    1234 Ingleside Avenue
    McLean, Virginia 22101
    Date/Time Information:
    Monday, October 24, 2016
    8:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
    Contact Information:
    Free and open to the public.
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.