• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Good Morning McLean,

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    Name: Good Morning McLean,
    Date: April 6, 2017
    Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
    Registration: Register Now
    Event Description:
    Please join us on the second Thursday of each month for our Good Morning, McLean breakfast, sponsored by Stewart Commercial Realty Services.
    The topic of this month's presentation is McLean CBC Update.  
    We will hear from:
    -Ann Seaman, Chamber Representative to the McLean Planning Committee on recent/future MPC activities
    -Bill Sudow, Chamber Representative to the McLean Revitalization Corporation on recent/future activities of the MRC
    -Charlie Bassing, on his proposed project at 6707 Old Dominion Drive
    -Devon Lauer, Development Associate at The JBG Companies, on construction and sales progress at The Signet
    -Brenda Frank, Chairman of the McLean Trees Foundation, on MTF's work to beautify the central McLean area
    J. Gilbert's Wood-Fired Steaks and Seafood
    6930 Old Dominion Drive
    McLean, VA 22101
    (703) 893-1034
    Date/Time Information:
    April 6, 2017
    7:30 - 9:00 AM
    Contact Information:

    Complimentary, thanks to George Stewart of Stewart Commercial Realty Services

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