Good Morning McLean, presented by Freedom Bank
Name: Good Morning McLean, presented by Freedom BankDate: August 9, 2018Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EDTWebsite: http://www.mcleanchamber.orgRegistration: Register NowEvent Description:Updates on George Washington Memorial Parkway and Claude Moore Colonial FarmPlease join us for the August installment of Good Morning McLean, presented by Freedom Bank to hear about transportation and recreation issues related to the George Washington Memorial Parkway in McLean.Our speakers will be:GWMP Superintendent Alexcy RomeroSuperindendent Romero has overseen the operations of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, the seventh most-visited National Park Service site, since 2013. He will discuss the projected reconstruction of the Parkway over the coming years, and what it might mean for the Greater McLean community, as well as give an update on the Langley Fork land swap.CMCF Board Member Elliott CurzonMr. Curzon is a member of the Board of the Friends of Claude Moore Colonial Farm, located within the landholdings of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. He is a partner in the DC office of Dechert LLP and is a member of the Financial Services group at the firm. He volunteers his time and legal services to the Farm and has been involved in the Farm's negotiations with the National Park Service since 2016. He'll give us an update as to the contract negotiations and next steps.Location:Date/Time Information:
7:30 - 9:00 AM
2nd Thursday of each monthContact Information:Fees/Admission:Chamber members $20;
Future Members $30.
For those who do not pre-register, there will be an additional charge of $5 at the door.Set a Reminder:
Education. Advocacy. Collaboration.