• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • HBC CCC Fundraiser to Support LiftMeUp!

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    Name: HBC CCC Fundraiser to Support LiftMeUp!
    Date: May 14, 2013
    Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Fundraiser Supporting LiftMeUp!
    May 14th, 2013 in McLean, VA

    A fundraiser for LiftMeUp! has been announced by HBC Realty Group’s (Keller Williams Realty) Community Charity Champions.  Come to dinner on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 5 to 8pm at Pulcinella Italian Host in McLean to support LiftMeUp!  Enjoy dinner and know that approximately 70% of the proceeds from food and drink will go to the charity, as long as the diner brings the flyer for the event.  Contact HBC Realty Group at 703-734-0192 or visit http://www.hbcrealtygroup.com/charity-events/fundraiser-to-support-lift-me-up/ to receive a flyer.

    LiftMeUp!’s therapeutic riding program has been providing safe and effective instruction in Great Falls since 1975.  The money raised will enable the organization to continue helping those with disabilities.

    Georgia Corey, Program Director of LMU! said of the event:
    “What a very generous thing.  Lift Me Up! is very grateful.  I will be contacting all my friends to see if they would like to come for dinner that night.  It will be fun and for a good cause.”

    Sponsors of the event are: Karen Briscoe and Lizzy Conroy with the HBC Realty Group of Keller Williams Realty, Betty Sparkman and Chris Lara of Reveal Remodel, Richard Moroscak with EagleBank, Kevin Dougherty of Pillar to Post Home Inspections, Marcus Simon with EKKO Title, Moe Jebali of Pulcinella Italian Host, and One to One Fitness Centers.

    About Lift Me Up

    LiftMeUp! is a therapeutic horseback riding program that is dedicated to providing safe and effective instruction to children and adults with a variety of disabilities. They teach riding skills adapted to the individual's cognitive and physical needs. By combining the unique and special presence of the horse and the skills and caring of their registered instructors, they have been able to help hundreds of people gain confidence, strength, and invaluable self-esteem in a friendly, fun environment. Participation in LiftMeUp! has helped students to sit or stand unassisted, walk independently, improve their focus and attention span, and enhance their social and communication skills.

    About HBC Community Charity Championship

    The Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Realty Group of Keller Williams Realty launched Community Charity Champions in 2012 as a venue to fundraise for local nonprofits.  As good corporate citizens, Karen Briscoe and Lizzy Conroy were searching for a means to support charities in the community.  The event is held on Tuesday evenings at Pulcinella Italian Host in McLean where a portion of the diner(s) is contributed to the charity of the month. Karen Briscoe and Lizzy Conroy were honored with the Corporate Social Responsibility award in 2012 by the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce for the work HBC Community Charity Champions has done and continues to do for nonprofits in the area.
    Pulcinella Italian Host, 6852 Old Dominion Dr., McLean, VA 22101
    Date/Time Information:
    05/14/2013, 5pm-8pm
    Contact Information:
    HBC Realty Group, homes@hbcrealtygroupl.com, 703-734-0192
    Free Admission, Bring Flyer to ensure your meal is Contributing towards to LiftMeUp!
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