• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Jeans Day - Putting the Zip on Homelessness

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    Name: Jeans Day - Putting the Zip on Homelessness
    Date: October 18, 2013
    Event Description:
    OP3 is working with the Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness to raise $1.3 million to meet the
    Community Challenge to End Homelessness in Fairfax County. Though we have one of the highest median incomes in the country, throughout Fairfax County individuals and families are homeless or on the brink of losing their housing.  Recent cuts to federal and state housing programs have further reduced government resources available to create and maintain affordable housing.
    OP3 and the Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness would like to invite restaurants and other retailers to help meet the community challenge by considering ways that they can engage customer and company support . This could include putting out table tents with information and a donation link for a period of time, posting through their social media sites, contributing profits from one item (i.e. appetizer/dessert) percentage of sales, and/or matching customer contributions for a period of time. 

    As in past three years, there will be lots of media attention and energy around “Jeans Day - Putting the Zip on Homelessness” which will be on October 18. The week or two leading up to Jeans Day would an opportunity for retailers and restaurateurs to get involved during this campaign. Corporate and individual promotions and contributions are  welcome anytime.  This year's goal is to raise $25,000 (which would provide housing and services for one household for a year) through Jeans Day promotions.

    Click here for more information.
    Date/Time Information:
    October 18, 2013
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