• 10th Congressional District Debate

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    Name: 10th Congressional District Debate
    Date: September 21, 2018
    Time: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
    Registration: Register Now
    Event Description:
    Join Northern Virginia's top business, government, technology and community leaders for this debate between candidates for Virginia's 10th Congressional District.  Incumbent Congresswoman Barbara Comstock will face challenger State Senator Jennifer Wexton as they field questions about local, regional and national economic development. 

    The Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce is delighted to partner with the Loudoun County Chamber, the Northern Virginia Technology Council, the Greater Reston Chamber, the Dulles Regional Chamber, the Northern Virginia Chamber and George Mason University to bring you this potentially pivotal debate in what will be among the most closely watched contests in the nation this fall. 

    Event Partners:



    The National Conference Center
    18980 Upper Belmont Place, 
    Leesburg, Virginia 20176
    Date/Time Information:
    September 21st, 2018
    8 a.m.-10 a.m. 
    Contact Information:
    Includes breakfast
    Tables: $650
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