• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • McLean 5K Run with the Warriors

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    Name: McLean 5K Run with the Warriors
    Date: October 5, 2013
    Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Since 2003, thousands of young men and women have been wounded in the line of duty. After discharge from inpatient treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, they continue on active duty while going through a very thorough evaluation period.  At this point in their recovery, many wounded warriors seek housing which is suited to their rehabilitation needs. All proceeds from the McLean 5K Run with the Warriors will be used for the Wounded Warrior Transitional Housing at Vinson Hall.

    McLean Square at CENTURY 21 New Millennium
    6629 Old Dominion Drive
    McLean, VA 22101

    Parking: First come, first served in the Balducci’s McLean Square parking lot. Additional street parking and parking at McLean Baptist Church (1367 Chain Bridge Road) available.

    Date/Time Information:
    Saturday, October 5, 2013
    Registration starts at 6:45 am
    Run begins at 8:00 am
    Registration Fees:
    Registration Fee information is available on Active.com when registering for the run. Discounts available to warriors (active duty and retired) and students.

    Registration Fees Include:

    A McLean 5K Run With the Warriors race T-Shirt with our race logo and sponsors.
    A snack the morning of the race: fruit, water and bagels
    Give-Away bag with goodies from our Race Sponsors
    Race Packet Pick- Up:

    Packets may be picked up at:
    CENTURY 21
    6629 Dominion Drive McLean VA

    Thursday, 10/3/2013 5:30pm – 7:30pm or
    Friday, 10/4/2013 from 9:00am – 6:00pm or
    Saturday 10/5/2013 beginning 6:45 am at the Registration Table.

    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.