• MPA Opening Exhibition Reception

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    Name: MPA Opening Exhibition Reception
    Date: November 17, 2016
    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
    Event Description:
    Join us for our Opening Exhibition Reception to view our newest MPA exhibitions and to meet the artists! Abundance: Works by Mei Mei Chang, Amy Boone McCreesh, Leslie Shallow, and Jungmin Park | Ramp Gallery This curated exhibition features four artists whose inclusive approaches combine ideas and materials in a swirling, exuberant, “more is more” manner to create works that unabashedly claim and own their space. Using both traditional and scavenged components, these works flourish both on and off the wall as they move into a through space with an elegant, imaginative, experimental and experiential energy. Above the Horizon: Works by Nikk Brugnoli | Atrium Gallery Nikki Brugnoli, True Perception. Nikki Brugnoli, True Perception. These abstracted and expressionistic drawings and prints center on a post-industrial, post-agricultural landscape as they explore memory and experience, vastness and the precision of proximity. Light, abstraction, transparency and glowing color come together to create works that offer a meditation on safety, separation and the deep familiarity of place. Called to return again and again to the image of an abandoned silo, Brugoli creates an impactful visual symbol imbued with a longing for the past, the comport of the present, and the endless adventure of imagination. In Process: Photographs by Ajay Malghan | Ramp Gallery Ajay Malghan, Atom City. Ajay Malghan, Atom City. These large-scale, evocative, and innovative photographs on display by Baltimore artist Ajay Malghan incorporate time as a formative element. Inventive in both conception and process, the works gather light, form and space in both calm and energetic compositions that transport the viewer into the atmosphere of elsewhere. Color glows and radiates, proposing mood and eliciting response, creating a new and intriguing landscape in which to experience and enter the day.
    McLean Project for the Arts
    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, November 17, 7-9pm
    Contact Information:
    Rachel Ripps
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