• Open House: Business Emergency Readiness

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    Name: Open House: Business Emergency Readiness
    Date: September 22, 2017
    Time: 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
    Event Description:
    National Preparedness Month is a great time to prepare our community and business!
    The Office of Emergency Management is hosting an open house and networking opportunity with the Greater McLean and Greater Reston Chambers of Commerce for members to learn about business readiness in times of disasters.
    Highlights of this special event will include:
    • Tour of the facility (Emergency Operations Center) 
    • Information about the latest preparedness methods
    • Background on OEM and Fairfax County’s plans, including its Continuity of Operations Plan
    • Sharing of business emergency preparedness plans
    • Networking with other chamber members and Fairfax County staff
    Please join us and learn how your business can become better prepared for any emergency. Note, space is limited. 

    To Register:   https://oembusinessopenhouse.eventbrite.com

    If you have any questions the event in general, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our contact information is:Grelia.steele@fairfaxcounty.gov
    The Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management
    4890 Alliance Drive
    Fairfax, VA 22030
    Date/Time Information:
    September 22, 2017
    7:00 - 9:30 am
    Contact Information:
    Paul Kohlenberger

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