• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • "Race to Somewhere", presented by Safe Community Coalition

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    Name: "Race to Somewhere", presented by Safe Community Coalition
    Date: November 19, 2013
    Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
    Event Description:
    In response to the documentary Race to Nowhere and our students' self-reported high levels of stress and anxiety, Safe Community Coalition is bringing New York Times bestseller and noted educator Dr. Madeline Levine to The Alden at the McLean Community Center for a special presentation.
    Dr. Levine is the nationally acclaimed author of The Price of Privilege.  This book offers practical advice for parents that explores our current culture, fraught with demands of perfectionism and materialism, rather than healthy self-esteem development.  In her latest book, Teach Your Children Well, Dr. Levine's focus is on parenting that leads to healthier, happier teenagers who attain authentic success.
    In preparation, Safe Community Coalition is teaming with Books-A-Million to offer Dr. Levine's books for sale at a discounted rate both prior to the event and on November 19th.
    More details will be forthcoming.  We look forward to sharing this special event with you and encourage you to share this information with others.
    The Alden Theater
    McLean Community Center
    1234 Ingleside Drive
    McLean, VA
    Date/Time Information:
    7:00 until 9:00 pm
    Contact Information:
    Contact the SCC to learn about ways to get your school, faith community, book club, neighborhood, workplace, etc. involved at scc@safecommunitycoalition.net or (703) 795-6943.
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