• McLean Community Business Center Pilot Study

  • Yoga of Knowledge

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    Name: Yoga of Knowledge
    Date: September 7, 2013 - September 8, 2013
    Event Description:
    Center for Inner Resources Development - North America (CIRD-NA) team is delighted to invite you to a Two Day Vedanta Retreat - The Way to Enrich & Empower Life. A unique opportunity to experience the Yoga of Knowledge. Renowned Spiritual Master Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha accompanied by Sannyasin disciples Swami Nirviseshananda Tirthaji and Ma Gurupriya will conduct the program. This will be an excellent opportunity for householders, young professionals, managers, students and entrepreneurs to learn about applying spiritual practices to empower and enrich your personal and professional lives.  No fees are required to attend the program. The event is open to all above 18 years. Prior registration is requested. If you have any questions about the program, registration process, schedule or access to the venue please feel free to contact us. You may contact our program coordinators listed on the program brochure or send an email to events@cirdna.org CIRD is a non profit knowledge dissemination and learning organization based in McLean, VA.
    Shouse Village Community Center 1432 Towlston Road Vienna VA 22182
    Date/Time Information:
    9 a.m - 5 p.m Lunch, Refreshments will be provided
    Contact Information:
    Anu Bhatia: 703-748-8405 Pradeep Sengar: 703-623-0360 Sid Govindani: 703-863-5869
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